Jackie Serrato has become a regular on Hitting Left. She's now editor-in-chief of the South Side Weekly. Adeshina Emmanuel also returns to talk about his work at Injustice Watch and the secret reports in a story of a death in an Alabama prison.
The first half hour is about environmental racism and the 10th Ward in Chicago with Alderwoman Garza and her policy guy., John Harrof The second half Mike and Fred talk politics - national mostly, with some Blago stuff tossed in - and it's fun.
Diane Ravitch, educational historian and activist joins us (and Mario Smith - host of Lumpen Radio's News From the Service Entrance) for an hour talk about schools and her latest book, Slaying Goliath.
We sat down with two long-time advocates of democratic education, Monty Neill, retired director of Fair Test, and founder of the ground-breaking Harlem small school - Central Park East - Deborah Meier.
We sat down with two long-time advocates of democratic education, Monty Neill, retired director of Fair Test, and founder of the ground-breaking Harlem small school - Central Park East - Deborah Meier.
Tribune reporter Greg Pratt is a newspaper Guild organizer battling the hedge fund takeover of the Trib by Alden Capital and Bob Reiter is the President of the Chicago Federation of Labor. A union show!
Tribune reporter Greg Pratt is a newspaper Guild organizer battling the hedge fund takeover of the Trib by Alden Capital and Bob Reiter is the President of the Chicago Federation of Labor. A union show!