Mike is away this week. Co-hosting is reporter Jackie Flores and our guest is artist/teacher/activist Nicole Marroquin. Talking Mexican history in Chicago and the '68 Harrison High school student walk-out.
Brother Fred's away and leading Chicago political strategist Joanna Klonsky joins brother Mike and guest Alaina Hampton. She's a Springfield whistle-blower on Democratic Party sexual harassment.
How past Chicago mayors, alderman and multi-national corporations combine to threaten the health and safety of Black and Brown communities of color and all working people. They don't build coal-fired power plants and million square food distribution centers in rich people's neighborhoods.
Jackie Seratto Flores writes for the Chicago Reporter. Rosanna Rodriguez is a community organizer and socialist Chicago City Council member from the 33rd Ward. We're talking immigration, ICE raids and the movement in Puerto Rico.
Ken Davis is a long time Chicago media guy who hosted the respected weekly news summary, Chicago Newsroom. Professor Simon Balto is a historian and author of Occupied Territory: Policing Black Chicago from Red Summer to Black Power (Justice, Power and Politics). He is also writing a book on Black Panther Chairman Fred Hampton.